29 July 2010


Greetings, Readers.

Things are finally settled and I'm moving to Mississippi on Sunday.  School starts in a few weeks and I need to get back in the habit of going to bed early and drinking less than 8 beers a night.  Hell, next time my fair state sees me I'll be further in debt with another nice diploma.  So here I am, winding down my last few hours in Texas, eating my last few tacos, packing my last few boxes, and generally considering how I can write a dedicatory post to my roommates, past and present.  I had originally intended to write each of them a letter, but ultimately decided against it. I wanted to keep the sentiment genuine and thoughtful without writing a novel because I ate a cookie.  Instead I want to post a series of photos from my time here in Austin, with the people I came to know and live with for the past 4 years.  I'll keep the dedication short: y'all made this happen perfectly, exactly as it should have, in no way I could have ever expected.